Monday, December 23, 2013

From foggy darkness into the light

There burrs cold wet desolation
over the beaches of poverty's landings
and there roams silence in the fog
like citations from famous ghosts

 over sand and empty beaches like empty streets
memories alone don't make no single noise no more
What remains is just a blinking of ads without meaning
in this wet cold darkness
of a postcapitalist
and a

But then when all have lost their voices
their wallets and their greedy needs
and stand naked in their hopes


Out of the darkness there rises a sun

and a heart starts to sing while walking
the line up
the ramp out
into the light

There shines a reflection of hope
on the surfaces of cobbled streets
a caress of peace
in that blindness
a hit of warmth
on sure faces
that lived underneath
waiting for this moment

when there shall be light
in ourselves as well as in our loneliness
a bit of warmth and a bit of a bless

Yes there is hope and there are tales
as old as the sun and its son
so do yourself a favor
relax from your labor
give light to your hearts
give warmth to your loves
and celebrate the turning of
that cold wet hard foggy tide
into a sea of warm bright shining light of future

Have a wonderful
                                  turn into light!

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