Monday, May 09, 2011

Reading for the Dirty Wall Project: Munich

On Friday in a little cozy book shop in a Southern German city called Munich, usually known for its sausages, football team and beer festival: An evening for international solidarity on a one to one basis.

There will be art and talk and machines:
- Portrait Pictures taken by Kane Ryan in India during one of his many visits of solidarity and work. Kane is a one man NGO, the dirty wall project (DWP). Together with local sources he helps were he can, for example by building a school in a so-called slum. He will talk himself (via skype) of his current projects.
- The presentation of the DWP racing bike by Sammy Kama that will be auctioned @ ebay
- A poetry reading by Daniel Graziadei
- Furthermore there are T-Shirts of DWP available
- The book shop and editor KUTV as always offers good drinks and literature in a cozy atmosphere

Come and have a good different start into your weekend: Friday 13th May 20h Ligsalzstr. 13 Munich Westend.


Sun comes up from the depth of a dark eye
Universes suddenly set alight and shining bright
Sharing a circle and a laugh we are sitting here and now
dining on a spoon of rise and a cup of quite clouded water
underneath the starry blinking of another night outside alright
Night becomes a counter day cuddling us into silent peacefulness

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