Thursday, December 14, 2006

Same ol' bitch-mess wrong

Right on.

Give me that bitch-mess shit.

Yes, the whole choking bit.

I tried to hide.

I tried to get by, slide.

But now I'm standing right here

But now I'm standing right there.

In the middle of Babylon.

In the heart of Buyingdom.

In the middle of little shacks

golden shimmering stacks

loud singing packs

Little angels with horrifying cheeks

staring happily for weeks n weeks.

What a mess. Ou bitch!

suddenly I am part of a heaven gone kitsch

or is it crazy paranoia of some old witch?

Am I sharing the navel of a world gone rich?

Ou bitch!

Of a world in a hurry in a flurry?

with too lil spice and too lil curry?

Ou mess!

A world rather sweetened

a world overseasoned?

Ou bitch!
It is always the same short quicky

at the end of yet another year

gone tricky

gone on the fast lane?

Yes, it is all the waiting who's to blame.

Ou bitch! Ou mess!

Could you please pass some time?

I shout it out!

Could you please pass some time?


Next to me: a wonderful dark angel

is freezing is waiting is thoughtful is looking

and I try to imagine how waiting would feel like

Waiting for her in the double sense of meaning

waiting in any case

waiting instead of living

waiting as substance and base

waiting and giving

giving in

to bitch-mess time.

But alas!

All humanity seems to be waiting no matter from where

no matter if you care

no matter when

big clock Big Ben

It is I who stands here yet there

and while asking why thoughts are going by

people keep strolling and memories floating

byebye bye!

Black stained ink is waiting to dry

for eyes to fly

for a dove to spy

for a child to cry

without any reason

in this

blessed best rest crest ever season.

But rewind and cum again!

Could you please pass some time?

Together – alone – forever??!

Ou bitch! Ou mess!

What a wrong!

Ou bitch! Ou mess!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tribute to Miss Lou

Island of laughter

[Tribute to Miss Lou1 1919-2006]


I heard that once there was an island

full of hope, good people and laughter

they worked hard, sweat, smiled and sang.

Poverty and bad politricks kept people down

but you gave them all superiority and highness they needed.

Yes, they say you were the unquestioned queen of that island

showing them the dignity of their doing with a smile and a joke and a laughter.

They say you laughed and cheered in good mood till the end.

From the forties to the new millennium

your rhymez worked its magic

whenever an audience was present

and your voice was allowed to speak out.

How would I love to hear and see you perform!

But no, I am too late.

Yes, too late.

I noticed you too late.

The hint I got is (c)old.

Only a grave I can visit

only a flower I can send

wrapped in cheap paper

and some lines scribbled on it.

And the lines go like this:

All a dem poets

all a dem singer

all a dem rasta

all a dem tella

tell a dem story

bout you

All a dem poems

all a dem songs

all a dem chants

all a dem rants

tell of you glory

Miss Lou

All a dem uman

all a dem man

all a dem children

sing in praise

hands all raise

chants of grace

riddim an pace

to you

All a dem people

all a dem tellies

all a dem stations

all a dem nations

still in praise

of you

Miss Lou

And with a likkle dancehallstyle

and a likkle ranting time

I say hello and goodbye to you

queen of the Island, Miss Lou.

1 Louise Bennet-Coverly was the first Jamaican poet performing and writing in patois and thereby giving rise to the fecund oral poetry from Jamaica to Black Britain, Canada and many other places where a Caribbean community has found new roots.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Please read the instruction leaflet

Modern world's stupidity [date of expiry: 0000]

(yet another shit-house idea)

This poem is HOT
do shake it NOT
do NOT use as underwear
do NOT reheat in a microwave
do NOT cut or shave
do NOT try to white-wash
do NOT hurry and rush
do NOT drink it fast
please do LET IT LAST
please do give it breathing SPACE
please do bow in GRACE
please do give it LIGHT
do NOT paint it white
do NOT gasp and stare dully
do NOT try to criminalize it
do NOT mute or materialize it
do NOT clean with baby lotions
This poem might just CHANGE your life
please do SHOUT it out, perform it LIVE
please do give ACCESS to your inner sanctum
do NOT use to clean your Highness' rectum
as this poem is that HOT
so I repeat do NOT
do NOT consume it lightly
do NOT smoke it highly
do NOT abuse it
please do USE it
as this poem is too HOT
for stupidity, is it NOT?!